
Web push notifications way to increase customer base


Web Push Notifications!

Way to increase customer base

Posted by Digital Agency Max Progress on September 11, 2020

Why Web Push?

  • Ease installation and configuration;
  • Web push notifications service is completely free;
  • Offline notifications - users will see your messages as soon as they appear online;
  • Possibility of personalization;
  • Flexible API for advanced work;
  • Щpportunity to monetize;
  • Possibility of personalization.

Your customers will never miss Web Push Notifications

An astonishing title on June 25 led to a great deal of interest in push notifications on the web and on mobile devices. Push notifications are messages that can be sent to people visiting a website and allow companies to take advantage of their website traffic by sending notifications to past visitors via the user's browser or mobile device. Push notifications, also known as web push notifications, have gained popularity in recent years due to their simplicity and ease of use.

Web push notifications are messages that go in or out of your browser, depending on your browser. Instructions for push notification on the web are available either directly via the push icon or by using a message that comes in and out depending on the browser.


Since it is a browser-based notification, all browsers must support the same so that they are displayed as push notifications when the browser is not running. Web-Push works with opt-in browser input, which means that any device with a browser installed can receive a Web-Push notification (including the desktop). It also works on mobile devices such as tablets, smartphones and tablets with the push icon.

You can even create your own push notification tools and use the Web Push notification service to launch push notifications on your website. If you have a website and have a web-based SDK installed on it and enable push notifications, you can send them via web push notifications. API to execute and implement the necessary steps for creating Web push notifications for the website operator and for generating an APN certificate. Smartech JS is obliged to send Web Push Opt-ins and then perform activities - specific Web Push Notification.

Mobile Web Push notifications, on the other hand, work in a number of browsers for Android mobile devices. For example, you can subscribe to a mobile app that can notify you with notifications for your favorite shopping sites (supported by browser push notification).

If you have built-in Web Push notification on your site, you can send push notifications to your subscribers by email, SMS or SMS. Web push notifications are browser-based and can be sent by inserting or integrating scripts on the website.
Or your subscribers are using Windows, Android, or Chrome, Web Push Notifications will display a notification screen in the browser. If your customers have Chrome installed on their smartphone or computer, they will receive the message when they sign up for a Web push notification.

Technically, a single page is less search engine-optimized, but more and more Internet users prefer one-sided websites to normal. One of the main advantages of a single page website is that you can link to other pages, even if you have only one. PR-page goes via incoming links, which are linked to individual pages and vice versa.

Start Your Business with a Unique Website